2023 Eunhae Student Scholarship Application
Requirements and Instructions
1. High School Seniors
Students who have been a part of a Youth Group in a church for at least 1 year and graduate this year. Students must be planning to attend a post-secondary institution for the 2023-2024 academic year.
2. Undergraduate Students & Graduate Students
Students who will attend a degree program for fall semester 2023
*Students must be members of a church and have never received the Eunhae student scholarship before.
*The number of scholarship candidates is limited.
Application Requirements – forms to include
(1)Application form for student scholarship (www.eunhae.us)
(2)Either an official or unofficial transcript
(3)Letter of recommendation – from a clergy of your church
(4)Essay – an essay of no more than 2 pages must be included following:
* Your vision as a Christian
* Any voluntary activities in churches or communities
* Reason for applying student scholarship
(5)Proof of attendance for fall semester 2023- ex) tuition payments, schedule of classes
Application Deadline: July 21, 2023 by 4 pm at church office or
By E-mail: eunhaescholarship@gmail.com
Date of Ceremony: August 6, 2023 during 11 AM service
Contact Information: Jiyoung Choi (917-747-7247) eunhaescholarship@gmail.com